10% 2024 OFF Paradise Vintage Ski Overalls Multi Layered Padding Outdoor Gear Multi Colour Stretchable Waist 32-34 inches
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and our Instagram @akagami1755
Thank you very much
Size(Please check the actual measurement)
WAIST :- 32-34 inches
LENGTH (OUTSEAM ) :- 42 inches
( INSEAM ) :- 25 inches
THIGH :- 26 inches
FRONT RISE :- 17 inches
LEG OPENING :- 6(12) inches
Materials : Nylon and Polyester
■Accept "PAYPAL" Only
*This item will be ship with FEDEX complete with details tracking numbers and it takes about 4-7 days to arrive to all destination.
Dear valued customer:
●All Measurements were been measured flat on the floor.
●Please don't expect this item conditiees during Shipping because I always declared all items as a Gift and wrote the value lower than original price usually just $10 only.
●Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any inquiries.Its my great pleasure to have a conversation with customers.
For more Branded Designers Items you can visit to our Grailed website :
and our Instagram @akagami1755
Thank you very much