2024 "Space Staring Back" is an original, multi-media piece on 11"x14" canvas BOARD (not stretched canvas).
Each night, so many people around the world look into the sky and ponder a similar sight. We all see the same stars, same planets, same moon, same galaxy. Sure, seasons change and the world spins 'round. And still eventually, we will have all shared the same glimpse into space. Now, what if the perspectives, for just a moment, flipped. What if the same stars, planets, and moon that we admire, saw us? What if while we told stories of the night sky to our children, the moon told the stars about us? "How beautiful they are", the moon says. "How wonderful life on Earth must be", says the stars. You see, this is where I found my inspiration. I wonder, what would our guardians of the sky think if they could see you and me? What would happen, if for a small while, space could stare back at us?
Product code: Space Staring 2024 Back