Wow the crowd with this unique green bouquet which may look real but is in fact made of gorgeous silk roses and soft artificial flowers. Choose something that reflects your personal style ❤️
Please message if you would like to customise this in different coloured roses.
Pearls can also be added upon request.
Response Time:
Same day. I respond in the same day, and work with you to ensure you get your dream bouquet.
Why Choose Taras Bridal?
At Tara's Bridal you aren't just getting a bouquet, you're receiving a personal one on one catering with a bouquet designer who genuinely cares to make your flowers sparkle and shine. I love to make sure every detail is accurate, even if the client wants a particular rose 2024 at a specific place within the bouquet, I will work to ensure that they get exactly what they want.
Communication with the client:
I am never too busy for a client. You may ask me as many questions regarding your bouquet, whether you would like to add a personalised letter, or a specific fabric, I am here to make your dream bouquet come to life ❤️
Product code: Green 2024 Garden Bouquet