Italian 2024 Amulte Corno Horn Good Luck Charm Keychains to bring good luck and fortune Italia import giant size 5.5
2024 Italian Cornetto Good Luck Charm Keychains to bring good luck and fortune Italia import giant size
The Cornetto is, without doubt, the most diffused Italian amulet. Its origins are ancient and go back quite to the times of Neolithic (the 3500 A.C.), when the inhabitants of the huts used to affix outside from uscio a horn like fertility auspice. Especially in those times the fertility came associated to the fortune in how much, the more people was fertile, more it was powerful and therefore fortunate. In other times the horns came used like votivi gifts the Goddess Iside, affinchè the Goddess Mother assisted the animals in procreare. Mythology informs us that Giove donated to its nutrice a horn in sign of gratefulness, this horn was equipped of magical virtues so that, the nutrice, could obtain all that it wished. The horn draws its origins for via of the shape, it is believed in fact that the objects to tip, especially if having horn shape, defend from bad infuences.
Synthetic material, 5.5”