Candlestick Totem Pole In Homage to Wait Staff! Love Offering for 2024 your favorite Waiter, Waitress or Caterer!
-Candlestick Totem Pole - Love Offering to Your Favorite Waiter or Waitress! It's a hard job and they need all the support you can give.
-In homage to the Totem Pole each of these creations offer up stories, symbolism, and various meanings - something different for everyone. I am personally interested in themes of faith, luck, humor, whimsy, inner turmoil, animals, 2024 forgiveness or good wishes. I "upcycle" all sorts of items, but primarily salt and pepper shakers I find at estate sales, thrift stores, or online. These items are often chipped, broken, crooked, and put back together again, just like us. I hope that you will find joy in these delicate offerings and create your own story and meaning.
-P.S. I ask you to hold these like a new born, cradling the head and supporting the bottom - they are fragile.