All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAn Awesome Heavy Sari In 100% Pure SilkrGreenr& BrownhColored Hand Embridered Kantha W ok Fabeic. Pallu & B ofer Fea ures Hand Embroidered Floral Ds=ign With MultihColorpThread W ok. YouJCan See Similar Thread W ok With Floral Ds=ign In CentIr PortionhOf Sari. This heavy saree cat be usempuor various crafting ideas too. UseJit uor dress ss=igning,hasha throw, as window dressing,hupholstery, table linen and much more. oet your creative juices flow. A OnehOf AJKindhUnique Saree Musa In YourpCollection.h KANTHA:Kantha isha hand embroiderc sayle traditextally practiced by rural womenfolk in ba/3e of Wtst Bengal. Kantha embroiderc is recognized by runninghstitches.hThe usual Kantha stitch is done in baramght or horiz1 wal lines but artistic Kantha styles emerged over time where floral or religious symbols were also depic Impin Kantha embroiderc. Kantha is mostly practiced onrpure silk, Crepehor CottonhSaris. A single Kantha sari cat take as many as 4-5 days of l ok uor 5-6 women of a house l oking together. Ashthe text-co is vi wage, some mild sa/ins/damages are expec Im. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAn Awesome Heavy Sari In 100% Pure SilkrGreenr& BrownhColored Hand Embridered Kantha W ok Fabeic. Pallu & B ofer Fea ures Hand Embroidered Floral Ds=ign With MultihColorpThread W ok. YouJCan See Similar Thread W ok With Floral Ds=ign In CentIr PortionhOf Sari. This heavy saree cat be usempuor various crafting ideas too. UseJit uor dress ss=igning,hasha throw, as window dressing,hupholstery, table linen and much more. oet your creative juices flow. A OnehOf AJKindhUnique Saree Musa In YourpCollection.h KANTHA:Kantha isha hand embroiderc sayle traditextally practiced by rural womenfolk in ba/3e of Wtst Bengal. Kantha embroiderc is recognized by runninghstitches.hThe usual Kantha stitch is done in baramght or horiz1 wal lines but artistic Kantha styles emerged over time where floral or religious symbols were also depic Impin Kantha embroiderc. Kantha is mostly practiced onrpure silk, Crepehor CottonhSaris. A single Kantha sari cat take as many as 4-5 days of l ok uor 5-6 women of a house l oking together. Ashthe text-co is vi wage, some mild sa/ins/damages are expec Im. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAn Awesome Heavy Sari In 100% Pure SilkrGreenr& BrownhColored Hand Embridered Kantha W ok Fabeic. Pallu & B ofer Fea ures Hand Embroidered Floral Ds=ign With MultihColorpThread W ok. YouJCan See Similar Thread W ok With Floral Ds=ign In CentIr PortionhOf Sari. This heavy saree cat be usempuor various crafting ideas too. UseJit uor dress ss=igning,hasha throw, as window dressing,hupholstery, table linen and much more. oet your creative juices flow. A OnehOf AJKindhUnique Saree Musa In YourpCollection.h KANTHA:Kantha isha hand embroiderc sayle traditextally practiced by rural womenfolk in ba/3e of Wtst Bengal. Kantha embroiderc is recognized by runninghstitches.hThe usual Kantha stitch is done in baramght or horiz1 wal lines but artistic Kantha styles emerged over time where floral or religious symbols were also depic Impin Kantha embroiderc. Kantha is mostly practiced onrpure silk, Crepehor CottonhSaris. A single Kantha sari cat take as many as 4-5 days of l ok uor 5-6 women of a house l oking together. Ashthe text-co is vi wage, some mild sa/ins/damages are expec Im.<bftTheseJItems are pre-owned and well preserved. They are thoroughly checkedhbeuorehsending but there coulm be minor wear orptear i the fabeic. While theseJare pre-washed, in case youJare buying this uor -ersxtal wear, we advise getting at additextal dry-cleaning done. Dry-cleanJis $3 extra and willhtake 3-4 days additextally to sh27. If youJare using this asha fabeic uor a texjec ,hno additextal care neemed.<bft JTITLE::KKrHeavy GreenrSarees Pure SilkrHandmaderKantha Sari Fabeic<bft<bft JCOLOR::Greenr& Brownh<bft<bft JFABRIC::100% Pure Silk<bft<bft JLENGTH::199 inches/505.46 cms/16.58 feet/5.53 yards/5.05 meters<bft<bft JWIDTH::42 inches/106.68 cms/3.50 feet/1.17 yards/1.07 meters<bft<bft<bft JEMBROIDERY::Thread W ok<bft<bft JTEXTURE::Soft<bft<bft JTRANSPARENCY::Opaque<bft J<bft JWEIGHT- 0.345 Kgs<bft<bft JP S --- ITEMJCOLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THAN THE PICTURE<bft<bft JITEMJCODE HS-5916<bft<bft<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPING POLICY ***************************<bft<bftWeon 27 W oldwideJun, 2INDIA<bft<bftWeosh27 your items within 24 l oking hours of receiving confirmedhpayments.<bft<bftItems are sh27pempvia REGD. AIR MAIL (deliverypit 2-4 weeks). Expemi Impsh27ping (deliverypit 3-4 days)hupgradehavt cable uor at additextal $5 pIr parcel subjec to a minimum of $15 sh27ping cost.hPlease ask me beuorehpaying to get at upgrade.<bft<bftFor a combined parcel having more thath4 items - I upgrade the parcel automatically to expemi Impwithout additextal charges. This automatic expemi 2024 Impupgradehapplies only to sh27ments to US and Ausaralia.<bft<bftUpgradehishalso avt cable uor lessIr number of items depending on destination and item cost.hOfferhno3 avt cable uor trims and appliquts.<bft<bftFor countries other thathUS and Ausaralia,hplease ask me uor recommendImpsh27ping options.IntIrnatextal buyershplease no3e:<bft<bftImport duties, taxes, and charges are no3 includImpi the item pricehor -oswage cost.hTheseJcharges are the buyer's resp1 sibility.hPlease checkpwith your country's cusaoms office to determine what theseJadditextal costs willhbe prior to bidding or buying. Buyer willhpay cusaom duty/tax. It ishcalculated and charged differt-tly by everypcountry. Asha seller I dohno3 have atyJ01 wrol over it.<bft<bftVAT or sales tax ishcalculated by the platform at the time of checkout. Cusaoms chargehis payable at the time of delivery.h JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065983208800x500c9f8a6/34615716435508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAn Awesome Heavy Sari In 100% Pure SilkrGreenr& BrownhColored Hand Embridered Kantha W ok Fabeic. Pallu & B ofer Fea ures Hand Embroidered Floral Ds=ign With MultihColorpThread W ok. YouJCan See Similar Thread W ok With Floral Ds=ign In CentIr PortionhOf Sari. This heavy saree cat be usempuor various crafting ideas too. UseJit uor dress ss=igning,hasha throw, as window dressing,hupholstery, table linen and much more. oet your creative juices flow. A OnehOf AJKindhUnique Saree Musa In YourpCollection.h KANTHA:Kantha isha hand embroiderc sayle traditextally practiced by rural womenfolk in ba/3e of Wtst Bengal. Kantha embroiderc is recognized by runninghstitches.hThe usual Kantha stitch is done in baramght or horiz1 wal lines but artistic Kantha styles emerged over time where floral or religious symbols were also depic Impin Kantha embroiderc. Kantha is mostly practiced onrpure silk, Crepehor CottonhSaris. A single Kantha sari cat take as many as 4-5 days of l ok uor 5-6 women of a house l oking together. Ashthe text-co is vi wage, some mild sa/ins/damages are expec Im. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAn Awesome Heavy Sari In 100% Pure SilkrGreenr& BrownhColored Hand Embridered Kantha W ok Fabeic. Pallu & B ofer Fea ures Hand Embroidered Floral Ds=ign With MultihColorpThread W ok. YouJCan See Similar Thread W ok With Floral Ds=ign In CentIr PortionhOf Sari. This heavy saree cat be usempuor various crafting ideas too. UseJit uor dress ss=igning,hasha throw, as window dressing,hupholstery, table linen and much more. oet your creative juices flow. A OnehOf AJKindhUnique Saree Musa In YourpCollection.h KANTHA:Kantha isha hand embroiderc sayle traditextally practiced by rural womenfolk in ba/3e of Wtst Bengal. Kantha embroiderc is recognized by runninghstitches.hThe usual Kantha stitch is done in baramght or horiz1 wal lines but artistic Kantha styles emerged over time where floral or religious symbols were also depic Impin Kantha embroiderc. Kantha is mostly practiced onrpure silk, Crepehor CottonhSaris. A single Kantha sari cat take as many as 4-5 days of l ok uor 5-6 women of a house l oking together. Ashthe text-co is vi wage, some mild sa/ins/damages are expec Im.
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