You can buy your mama a fresh bouquet at the florist, or, for about the same amount, buy her this joyful bouquet of flowers in 2024 a little glass bottle-It will never fade!
The original is painted with gouache (opaque watercolors,) and I add hand painted gold and silver highlights to each print.
The print is perfectly centered on the paper size of 9" x 12" and numbered, titled and signed in pencil
This is an edition of 100.
I print these on Arches Cover Paper, mouldmade in France specifically for printmaking and publishing, Arches Cover has a pronounced grain, two watermarks, and two natural deckle edges. It works beautifully for any printmaking process, or as a drawing surface.
Arches Cover is 100% cotton fiber, acid-free, pH neutral, internally sized and buffered.
Product code: 2024 Wildly colorful bouquet