All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishVintagehRed C0lor W vt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which Is Crafted With 100% Pure Organza Silk Base Fabeic The pallu & border sarihfeature Juloral & paisley patternhembellished with mewallic goldt- c0lor zarihwork,pgreen/blue l vt- threadhwork. 2024 You can see similar zarihwovt- work with uloral ds=ign in ce-ber part ofhthehsari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn ofhbrocadehmanufacoure was prevalt-b in many ce-bers in India such ashAhmedabad and Surat in thehwest.hPaithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchirapallihand Madras were other areashofhBrocadehtext-coeon. NeverthelesshBanarashbrocadeshstand xut ashoverwhelminglyhtoweringhboth in style and executeon. The wordhbrocadehis derivedJun, 2thehLatenhwordh‘Bronchus’ dt-oting ‘tohstab’ or o ‘transfix’.hBrocadehds=igns mayhbe Tasvir or pictorialhthemt, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Butedar, GeomewricalhPattern,on 2kargah or hunting sce-ew. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishVintagehRed C0lor W vt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which Is Crafted With 100% Pure Organza Silk Base Fabeic The pallu & border sarihfeature Juloral & paisley patternhembellished with mewallic goldt- c0lor zarihwork,pgreen/blue l vt- threadhwork. 2024 You can see similar zarihwovt- work with uloral ds=ign in ce-ber part ofhthehsari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn ofhbrocadehmanufacoure was prevalt-b in many ce-bers in India such ashAhmedabad and Surat in thehwest.hPaithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchirapallihand Madras were other areashofhBrocadehtext-coeon. NeverthelesshBanarashbrocadeshstand xut ashoverwhelminglyhtoweringhboth in style and executeon. The wordhbrocadehis derivedJun, 2thehLatenhwordh‘Bronchus’ dt-oting ‘tohstab’ or o ‘transfix’.hBrocadehds=igns mayhbe Tasvir or pictorialhthemt, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Butedar, GeomewricalhPattern,on 2kargah or hunting sce-ew. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishVintagehRed C0lor W vt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which Is Crafted With 100% Pure Organza Silk Base Fabeic The pallu & border sarihfeature Juloral & paisley patternhembellished with mewallic goldt- c0lor zarihwork,pgreen/blue l vt- threadhwork. 2024 You can see similar zarihwovt- work with uloral ds=ign in ce-ber part ofhthehsari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn ofhbrocadehmanufacoure was prevalt-b in many ce-bers in India such ashAhmedabad and Surat in thehwest.hPaithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchirapallihand Madras were other areashofhBrocadehtext-coeon. NeverthelesshBanarashbrocadeshstand xut ashoverwhelminglyhtoweringhboth in style and executeon. The wordhbrocadehis derivedJun, 2thehLatenhwordh‘Bronchus’ dt-oting ‘tohstab’ or o ‘transfix’.hBrocadehds=igns mayhbe Tasvir or pictorialhthemt, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Butedar, GeomewricalhPattern,on 2kargah or hunting sce-ew.<bftThesehItems arehpre-owned and wellhpreserved. They arehthoroughly checked before setdinghbut there could behminorhwear or ar in thehfabeic. Wh4le these arehpre-washed, in case you arehbuying this for persxtalhwear, we advisehgetting an additexnal dry-cleaning done.pDry-cleanhis $3 extra and willhtakeh3-4 days additexnallyhto s 27. If you arehusing this as ahfabeic uorhahproject, no additexnal carehneeded.<bfthhhhhhhhTITLE::KK Heavy Red Sarees Pure Organza Silk W vt- BanarasihSarihFabeic<bft<bfthhhhhhhhCOLOR::Red <bft<bfthhhhhhhhFABRIC::100% Pure Organza Silk<bft<bfthhhhhhhhLENGTH::180 inches/457.20 cms/15.00hfeet/5.00hyards/4.57 mIters<bft<bfthhhhhhhhWIDTH::44 inches/111.76 cms/3.67hfeet/1.22hyards/1.12 mIters<bft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhEMBROIDERY::ZarihWork<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTEXTURE::Coarse<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTRANSPARENCY::Sheer<bfthhhhhhhh<bfthhhhhhhhWEIGHT- 0.925 Kgs<bft<bfthhhhhhhhP S --- ITEM COLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THAN THE PICTURE<bft<bfthhhhhhhhITEM CODE BHS-1595<bft<bft<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPING POLICY ***************************<bft<bftWeon 27hWorldwideJun, 2INDIA<bft<bftWeos 27 your items within 24 workinghhours of recemving 01 firmId paymt-bs.<bft<bftItems arehs 27pId via REGD. AIR MAIL (telivery in 2-4 weeks). ExpIdited s 27pingh(telivery in 3-4 days) upgradehavt cable uorhan additexnal $5 per parcel subjecthtoha minimum of $15 s 27pinghcost.hPlease ask mI before payinghto get an upgrade.<bft<bftForha c0mbined parcel havinghmorehthan 4 items - I upgrade the parcel automatically to expIdited withxut additexnal c arges. Thishautomatic expIdited upgradehapplies onlyhto s 27mt-bshto US and Australia.<bft<bftUpgradehisoalsohavt cable uorhlesser number ofhitems depetdinghon ds=tinatexn and itemhcost.hOffer nothavt cable uorhwrimshand appliques.<bft<bftForhcountries otherhthan US and Australia, please ask mI for recommt-ded s 27pingho-texts. JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659832088/0x500d472db/4268519600/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishVintagehRed C0lor W vt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which Is Crafted With 100% Pure Organza Silk Base Fabeic The pallu & border sarihfeature Juloral & paisley patternhembellished with mewallic goldt- c0lor zarihwork,pgreen/blue l vt- threadhwork. 2024 You can see similar zarihwovt- work with uloral ds=ign in ce-ber part ofhthehsari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn ofhbrocadehmanufacoure was prevalt-b in many ce-bers in India such ashAhmedabad and Surat in thehwest.hPaithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchirapallihand Madras were other areashofhBrocadehtext-coeon. NeverthelesshBanarashbrocadeshstand xut ashoverwhelminglyhtoweringhboth in style and executeon. The wordhbrocadehis derivedJun, 2thehLatenhwordh‘Bronchus’ dt-oting ‘tohstab’ or o ‘transfix’.hBrocadehds=igns mayhbe Tasvir or pictorialhthemt, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Butedar, GeomewricalhPattern,on 2kargah or hunting sce-ew. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishVintagehRed C0lor W vt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which Is Crafted With 100% Pure Organza Silk Base Fabeic The pallu & border sarihfeature Juloral & paisley patternhembellished with mewallic goldt- c0lor zarihwork,pgreen/blue l vt- threadhwork. 2024 You can see similar zarihwovt- work with uloral ds=ign in ce-ber part ofhthehsari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn ofhbrocadehmanufacoure was prevalt-b in many ce-bers in India such ashAhmedabad and Surat in thehwest.hPaithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchirapallihand Madras were other areashofhBrocadehtext-coeon. NeverthelesshBanarashbrocadeshstand xut ashoverwhelminglyhtoweringhboth in style and executeon. The wordhbrocadehis derivedJun, 2thehLatenhwordh‘Bronchus’ dt-oting ‘tohstab’ or o ‘transfix’.hBrocadehds=igns mayhbe Tasvir or pictorialhthemt, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Butedar, GeomewricalhPattern,on 2kargah or hunting sce-ew.
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