This beautifully handcrafted handbag is made of the finest quilted fabric and is completely finished on the inside. It is 12” x 8” x 5” with 11” handles. I sell these handbags in my booth in a local mall. In addition you also receive a matching 5 " x 7 " matching zippered accessory bag that fits handily in the center of the handbag to hold small items. The handbags favorably compete with those sold by a popular manufacturer at a much higher price. My current customers report that friends can't tell the difference and they enjoy enthusiastic comments when they carry their handbags. The black background highlights the shades of blue in the flowers and soft shades of yellow and green of the leaves. This fashionable handbag will brighten and complement any ensemble that you choose to wear. The handbag has four pockets on the inside and four pockets on the outside which are easily large enough to accommodate an I-Phone. The handles are long enough to allow you to carry the handbag easily over your shoulder and under your arm for safety when you travel in crowds. The inside has a coordinating print to match the fabric of the handbag and has a fabric-covered base to assist the handbag in holding its shape.
I have many beautiful fabric prints from which to 2024 choose and I welcome special orders, limited to fabric that I have in stock., I ask for five days from the date of purchase to ship. Payment is due three days after purchase. Please check my other listings for specially handcrafted items
Product code: 2024 Exquistely Handcrafted Quilted Handbag with Matching Accessory Bag