2024 Chakra Bath Salts (8oz set) - chakra set - 7 chakra set - seven chakra bath salts - aromatherapy chakra - chakra balancing - essential oils

2024 Chakra Bath Salts (8oz set) - chakra set - 7 chakra set - seven chakra bath salts - aromatherapy chakra - chakra balancing - essential oils, Chakra Bath Salts (8oz set) - chakra set - 7 chakra set - seven chakra bath.
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Product code: 2024 Chakra Bath Salts (8oz set) - chakra set - 7 chakra set - seven chakra bath salts - aromatherapy chakra - chakra balancing - essential oils

Chakra Bath Salts (8oz set) - chakra set - 7 chakra set - seven chakra bath salts - aromatherapy chakra - chakra balancing - essential oils

With this listing you'll get all seven Chakra Bath Salts (8oz each):
- Root Chakra (Red)
- Sacral Chakra (Orange)
- Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow)
- Heart Chakra (Green)
- Throat Chakra (Turquoise Blue)
- Third Eye Chakra (Indigo)
- Crown Chakra(Purple)

1. Store in Cool, Dry Location. Do not introduce water into container.
2. Add 1/3 to 1/2 cup of the scented salts to a bath for a soothing, luxurious experience for 20 - 30 minutes!
3. Drink a glass of water following soak.

Root Chakra (1st Chakra) - The Muladhara - The Base

Buy only Root Chakra Bath Salt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/386608586/root-chakra-bath-salts-root-chakra

Root Chakra is located at the base of spine in tailbone area, this is where our sense of security lies. It is the center where we ground ourselves and take care of our basic needs. The root chakra is about your family, ancestors and cultural beliefs. It is related to our connection with prosperity and how we attract it into our life. When the root chakra is balanced, you feel grounded and have an inner sense of security. You feel supported and are able to manifest opportunities and abundance. When it is unbalanced, feelings of fear, insecurity and not feeling like you belong prevail. If your root chakra is weak, you may feel like you are unhappy with your body size or shape. You may feel as if you are out of control of your life and you can't gain control. If your root chakra is overactive, you find that you often explode angrily at the smallest things. On a physical level, elimination problems and foot issues are also associated with the root chakra.

"Grounded - Secure - Prosperous"

Root Chakra Blend: An authentic fusion of pure essential oils blended to balance the root chakra. Essences of organic patchouli, cinnamon, lavender and bergamot leave one feeling well-balanced.
Color: Red

Sacral Chakra (2nd Chakra) - The Svadisthana - The Sacral

Buy only Sacral Chakra Bath Salts: https://www.etsy.com/listing/386608176/sacral-chakra-bath-salts-sacral-chakra

Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel. It is the center of sexuality, passion, creation, vulnerability and our relationships with other people and the world–which is why it is commonly referred to as the partnership chakra. The emotions, fears and strengths associated with this chakra drive your behavior. When your sacral chakra is balanced, you have energy to create a business, artwork or even children. You take risks, engage in balanced give-and-take relationships and express sensitivity or vulnerability.

If the sacral chakra becomes unbalanced, you will have a lack of energy flow throughout the entire body. You may feel extremely lethargic and unmotivated for life, particularly exercise and sex, leading to sadness, loneliness, and mild depression. A low energy flow through your sacral chakra will cause a lack of energy and motivation. You may feel extremely lethargic and even depressed, lacking any joyful moments in your life. If your sacral chakra is overactive, you may be feeling a constant frustration, leading to you breaking down in tears too often. You may feel like you have no personal power. Often times, you won't be able to express emotions, create meaningful work or find the simple joys in life.

"Creativity - Positivity - Sexuality"

Sacral Chakra Blend: An authentic fusion of pure essential oils blended to balance the pleasure chakra. Essences of organic sandalwood, orange and Ylang - Ylang leave one feeling well-balanced.
Color: Orange

Solar Plexus (3rd Chakra) - The Manipura - The Solar Plexus

Buy only Solar Plexus Chakra Bath Salt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/278622206/solar-plexus-chakra-bath-salts-solar

Solar Plexus Chakra is your Power Center. It's located just above your belly button. It is the center of motivation where we set our intentions and desires. When the power chakra is balanced, one achieves goals, is self-confident and has strong motivation and direction. It is associated with our physical center, personal power, desire, inner-strength, emotions, instincts, and “gut” feelings.

If the solar plexus chakra becomes unbalanced, you may feel very stressed all the time and powerless to gain control, leaving you ly and physically exhausted. You may have “gut” feelings but are not sure of what or where they are coming from, contributing to your distress and discomfort. If your solar plexus is imbalanced will cause you to feel powerless, especially when you are under pressure. You may often feel butterflies in your stomach, or feel as if you can't gain control over your life. If your solar plexus chakra is overactive, you will feel the uncontrollable need to control everything about your life; a “control freak.”

"Emotions - Confidence - Personal Power"

Solar Plexus Blend: An authentic fusion of pure essential oils blended to balance the power chakra. Essences of organic Rosemary, Lemon, and Cypress leave one feeling well-balanced.
Color: Yellow

Heart Chakra (4th Chakra) - The Anahata - The Heart

Buy only Heart Chakra Bath Salts: https://www.etsy.com/listing/386606286/heart-chakra-bath-salts-heart-chakra

Heart Chakra is located in the region of the physical heart (center of chest). It is the center of sympathy, empathy and love. When the heart chakra is balanced, one feels love and connection to self and others.The heart chakra is also the center of your spirit as well as the center of the chakras, making it a vital energy center for our spiritual, , and physical well-being. It is associated with love, compassion, safety, trust, adventure, self-compassion, forgiveness, and relationships.

If the heart chakra becomes unbalanced, you may feel detached from the world around you. Each breath we take that connects us to our physical and spiritual world is enveloped by the heart chakra, and if unbalanced or blocked can lead to a disconnection from the people we love, love for ourselves, and love for the earth. Problems in relationships heighten and we tend to lose hope. We lose sight of beauty, love, empathy, and compassion.

If you find yourself having problems in your relationships or feeling unattached to the people you love, it may indicate that your heart chakra is weak. If your heart chakra is overactive, you may find yourself becoming too attached to things, resulting in you being overly emotional all the time.

"Love - Compassion - Forgiveness"

Heart Chakra Blend: An authentic fusion of pure essential oils blended to balance the heart chakra. Essences of organic Geranium, Bergamot, & Neroli leave one feeling well-balanced.
Color: Green

Throat Chakra (5th Chakra) - The Visudda - The Throat

Buy Only Throat Chakra Bath Salts: https://www.etsy.com/listing/400105649/throat-chakra-bath-salts-throat-chakra

Throat Chakra is located at the base of the throat (neck). It is the center of Truth, self-expression and communication. When the throat chakra is balanced, one has inner trust, inner reliance and easily expresses their ideas and thoughts. Communication through thought, speech and writing.

A weak throat chakra will make you unable to speak your truth and express yourself. When your throat chakra is overactive, you often speak before you think, resulting in unnecessary arguments and hurtful words. When your throat chakra becomes unbalanced, you will find that you cannot articulate your thoughts clearly, leading to miscommunications and frustration. The throat chakra connects us to our ability to express ourselves, therefore creating a number of issues if this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, particularly from subconscious attitudes or feelings becoming trapped and unable to surface. Severe trauma can cause this chakra to close, making it very difficult to express emotion.

"Truth - Communication - Self Expression"

Throat Chakra Blend: An authentic fusion of pure essential oils blended to balance the throat chakra. Essences of organic Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Peppermint leave one feeling well-balanced.
Color: Turquoise Blue

Third Eye Chakra (6th Chakra) - The Ajna - The Third Eye

Buy Only Third Eye Bath Salts: https://www.etsy.com/listing/400105915/third-eye-chakra-bath-salts-third-eye

Third Eye Chakra is located between and just above the physical eyes, in the center of the brows. The third-eye chakra is associated with the mind, ideas, thoughts, dreams, intuition and psychic abilities. It is centred upon intuition and intellect.It is aslo the center of imagination and balance. When the intuition chakra is balanced, one feels strong intuition, a connection to oneself and ly fit.

If the third-eye chakra becomes unbalanced, we may feel bombarded with our own thoughts, unable to process them effectively and may feel stuck in an emotional and intellectual rut. We lose our sense of intuition, making our judgment clouded and causing us to make poor decisions. With a blocked third-eye chakra, we become closed to new ideas and fall off the paths of our true destiny.
If you feel you cannot visualize and organize your life very well, then your third eye chakra may be under active. If your third chakra is overactive, you may experience nightmares each night. You may begin to feel stuck and in an emotional rut, becoming closed off to new ideas. You may also feel as if your intuition is off, and you cannot trust your “gut feelings.”

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced third-eye chakra: headaches and migraines, nightmares, seizures, neurological disorders, personality disorders and neuroses, learning difficulties, and hallucinations.

"Intuition - Insight - Intellect"

Third Eye Chakra Bath Salts: An authentic fusion of pure essential oils blended to balance the intuition chakra. Essences of organic Lavender, clary sage, and marjoram leave one feeling well-balanced.
Color: Indigo

Crown Chakra (7th Chakra) - The Sahasrara - The Crown

Buy Only Crown Chakra Bath Salts: https://www.etsy.com/listing/400106193/crown-chakra-bath-salts-crown-chakra1

Crown 2024 Chakra is located at the very top of the head is our universal connection to beauty and spirituality. It is associated with God (or your particular belief system), spirituality, divine wisdom, enlightening, connection to the universe, imagination, awareness, and optimism. It is the center of connecting to something greater than oneself, and expressing wisdom and enlightenment. When the crown chakra is balanced, one feels strong, unclouded and joy for life.

An inability to think clearly when you are under stress means that your crown chakra is unbalanced. You may feel like you are going about life without having a specific purpose or path, leaving you feeling lost. If the crown chakra becomes unbalanced, we feel unconnected spiritually and as though we are living without any direction or purpose. If there are many physical ailments and dis-eases that seem to continually surface without a root trigger or cause, it is likely to be an out-of-balance crown chakra, as this chakra affects the six energy systems below, and practically your entire being. A blocked crown chakra can lead to depression and nervous system disorders and feelings of being lost and incomplete.

"Enlightenment - Higher Self - Wisdom"

Crown Chakra Blend: An authentic fusion of pure essential oils blended to balance the crown chakra. Essences of organic frankincense, myrhh, and cederwood leave one feeling well-balanced.
Color: purple

Each order is blended and created when you place your order, so you know what you are getting is fresh and has not set around to loose it's scent. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the product, I only use all natural and organic ingredients. If you would like a special blend that can be done as well.

Water Therapy:
Water therapy is the combination of bath sea salts and water, and is the basis of many powerful therapeutic treatments. There are numerous types of water therapy administered at spas, ayurvedic & holistic centers, and clinics around the world. Sports therapy clinics use hydrotherapy baths to help patients recover from joint and muscle injuries. Estheticians emphasize the cleansing properties of a sea salt bath to clean pores and to detoxify the body. There are even water therapies and therapeutic bath salts you can use on a daily or weekly basis in your own home.

Bath Salts:
Sea salts and essential oils are a wonderfully synergistic combination. The relaxing properties of hot water compliment the effects of well chosen salts and essential oils. Aromatic baths can provide relief from stress and worries, and provide relaxation. Both men and women are enjoying aromatic baths in increasing numbers.

Aromatherapy is the practice of controlled use of essential oils to maintain and promote physical, psychological, and spiritual well being. As a holistic medicine, aromatherapy is both a preventative approach as well as an active treatment during acute and chronic stages of illness.

Essential Oils:
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts distilled from a variety of plant material including leaves, flowers, needles, fruit peels, grasses, wood and roots.

Individuals with allergies to any ingredient listed.. Do not use more than 2 cups in a bath. If you begin to feel dizzy, get out of the tub. Follow with plenty of water.

Disclaimer: Consult your physician before using essential oils if you have high blood pressure, are pregnant or have other medical concerns. As with any and/or wellness topic, feel free to consult with your family physician if you have any questions regarding your conditions related to the application or ingredients in this blend. The information presented on this site has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

This product has no parabens, petroleum, mineral oil or artificial color/scent. No animal testing ever

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