Ardhanarishvara, Purush and Prakriti, Shiva and Shakti, Oil Varnished Newari Pauba, Pauva, Thangka Painting, 2024 Original Art 11 x 15-Inches
Ardhanarishvara, (Sanskrit: “Lord Who Is Half Woman”) composite male-female figure of Lord Shiva together with his consort Parvati. As seen in many Indian and Southeast Asian sculptures, the right (male) half of the figure is adorned with the traditional ornaments of Shiva. Ardhanarishvara is a representation of creation, there are two dimensions in this; Shiva and Parvati or Shiva and Shakti. They are known as Purusha and Prakriti. Purush is the source of creation. Prakriti means “nature” or “creation.”
Ardhanareeshvara symbolizes male and female principles that cannot be separated. It conveys the unity of opposites in the universe. Ardhanareeshvara harmonizes the two conflicting ways of life: The spiritual way of the ascetic as represented by Shiva, and the materialistic way of the householder symbolized by Parvati. It conveys that Shiva and Shakti are one and the same. A human being is not a pure unisexual organism. Each human organism bears the potentiality of both male and female sex. Neurohormonal mechanisms have been found to greatly influence sexual behavior. The modern world has come to understand the concept of “Ardhanareeshwara” as it aspires to resolve the paradox of opposites into a unity, not by negation, but through positive experiences of life. The matching of opposites produces the true rhythm of life.
Size of the Painting: 2024 11 x 15 inches ( 28 x 36 cm )
Material: Handmade Cotton Canvas
Color: Natural, Stone color, Tibetan Glue, Vegetable Oil
Frame: None
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